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Moving is inevitable throughout your lifetime as you’ll live on your own for the first time, and jobs or locations are bound to change. Regardless of how exciting your reasoning may be, moving is always a stressful process. Planning and preparation are two crucial factors that help influence your move for the better as they will allow you to pack and unpack faster and reduce the amount of work. There are also many tips and tricks for each step of your move to make the process go smoothly.

Getting Prepared

There are many moving pieces to any moving day, and there are many items you can check off your list ahead of time to ensure a consistent move with little to no issues.

Call Utility Companies

Many forget to notify their utility companies of a location change, and this can result in an overlap of bills or unexpected charges. Calling your current and new utility providers to let them know you’re vacating and interested in setting up your new location only takes a few minutes, and you won’t have to worry later.

Find a Mover

Selecting a professional mover can seem like an intimidating process. However, it will help your moving day go seamlessly and quickly rather than trying to move your belongings on your own. There are many factors to consider when selecting a moving company, but you should also get quotes from at least three different companies so you can compare pricing.

Set Your Budget

The cost of moving can get quite expensive if you don’t establish a budget or consider possible situations that may mean unexpected charges. Identify your cost limit, and keep track of all transactions in a spreadsheet or other program to ensure a smooth transition that doesn’t utilize more than you had planned.

Make Donation Pick-Up Arrangements

Moving is a perfect time to go through your belongings and donate items you no longer need. Many organizations and charities offer pick-up for large and small items if you contact them to schedule. You can also call local charities to see if they’re looking for any specific items. Getting a pick-up added to your calendar will save you the time you would’ve spent running around.

Plan Out Packing Supplies

Identifying the supplies you’ll need to accomplish your move is a critical item to consider, as there is often cost involved with these items as well. Many supplies can help make your move organized and successful, and you can generally find boxes at little to no charge at liquor stores, bookstores, and a variety of other locations.

  • Boxes
  • Packing Tape
  • Stickers for Labeling
  • Sharpies
  • Padding Supplies
  • Scissors

Eat Up

Monitoring the proper transfer of fridge, pantry, and freezer items can be a pain and add a lot of extra stress to your moving day as some foods need to maintain a specific temperature. Avoid the grocery store in weeks leading to your move and try to eat as much food already around your house as you can. This will minimize the amount of waste, help inspire creativity in the kitchen, and allow you to donate unopened items to a local food bank.


Establishing a suitable method for packing is essential, as this is often the most time-consuming part of a move. There are many tips, tricks, and hacks to help you find a process that works best for you.

Don’t Empty Dresser Drawers

Save yourself some packing as well as boxes and leave your clothes in your dresser drawers. You can remove the drawers and use plastic stretch wrap to wrap them individually, or if your dresser isn’t too heavy with the drawers intact, you can cover your entire dresser.

Leave Your Clothes on the Hanger

Instead of removing your clothing items from their hangers, folding, and packing them, skip the unnecessary steps and leave your belongings on their hangers covered with a garbage bag or hung in a wardrobe box. This saves you time at your new location as you’ll only have to hang your clothing up rather than having to unpack and rehang items.

Utilize Your Linens and Towels

Linens and towels are great solutions to provide padding for fragile and dangerous items. Wrap fragile glassware and perfume bottles, provide cushion for lamps and vases, and securely wrap knives and other kitchenware, so no one gets injured unexpectedly. Additionally, this will minimize the amount of waste produced in your move as you’re using materials you already have for packaging rather than a plastic equivalent.

Pack Your Suitcases

Save money on boxes and pack your travel suitcases with belongings. This is an easy way to transport heavy items like books and serving dishes that are commonly difficult to pack. Most suitcases have wheels as well, so no one will have to strain themselves carrying heavy items into your new location.

Color Code Boxes

Make unpacking a more manageable process by color-coding your boxes with stickers or tape for each room of your new location. Each room is assigned a color allowing for easy, organized transportation into your new home. Additionally, taking photos of each box or creating a spreadsheet with box contents is another excellent way to identify where belongings are so you don’t unpack something before you’re ready.

Take Pictures of Electronic Cord Systems

Setting up electronics in your new home can be tricky if you don’t remember the placement of the cords. Take photos of the backs of all major electronics so you can access them later and set up your TV and other devices quickly.

Pack a Moving Essentials Bag

Fill a small bag or suitcase with all the items you will need during your move and upon arrival. This bag can include several items but treat it mainly like you’re going out of a town for a vacation. Having a bag is a great way to save yourself some time rummaging through boxes trying to find belongings, toiletries, and other essential items.

  • Important Documents
  • Medications
  • Changes of Clothes
  • Toiletries
  • Chargers
  • Snacks

Moving Day

This can be a hectic and tiresome day, but planning and being prepared is essential to a simple moving day. Make sure to pack a cooler so you can stay hydrated and nourished throughout the process.

Coordinate Care for Kids and Pets

If you have younger children that can’t help on a moving day, it’s essential to coordinate with family, friends, or a company to care for and watch them. Pets are also something to consider. This will lower your stress and ensure their safety for the duration of your move

Be Packed the Day Before

Start packing well before your moving day and make it a goal to have all your belongings ready to go the day before the scheduled date. Last-minute packing can be hectic and disorganized. If you have everything prepared, you will be able to focus on the move itself and communicate with the moving company in a clear and organized manner.


You’re finally at your new location and are eager to get settled. While it’s so tempting to jump right in, take a step back, and evaluate the process and immediate needs before getting started.

Start with the Kitchen

Often the kitchen is the part of the house that takes a long time to unpack and organize as placement matters for all your cooking needs. Get the kitchen squared away, so it’s ready for use and move onto less time-consuming rooms.

Establish a Timeline

It’s uncomfortable to feel unsettled in a new space, but it’s also essential to take breaks when needed. Create a timeline for unpacking your belongings and set an end date to have everything unpacked and organized. With this timeline, you can unpack a room or two each day, so it’s not a stressful experience. Eliminate clutter by recycling your boxes as they’re emptied; it will make you feel accomplished and clear up space in your new home.

Start Planning

Being resourceful and compiling tips and tricks will make your move a little easier and lower your stress level. There are many more ways to help alleviate potential issues, but the ones above are some of the most recommended. Planning and establishing a timeline will guarantee a smooth move; don’t wait till the last minute.